What’s the big deal?? Why purchase from a refillery??

This is a frequently asked question….

It all has to do with what’s in the products we use on a daily basis. Many household cleaners, soaps, hair care products, etc. contain some pretty nasty stuff when you look a little closer, and yet they are marketed as “safe”.

Here is a link from one of the brands that we carry, Rustic Strength, with some VERY detailed information about all those chemicals (that no one can pronounce) so you can make an informed decision about what you put in and on your body.

Ingredients to avoid

We have carefully chosen only products that are free of toxic chemicals, are eco friendly, cruelty free, and are also manufactured with these same principles to the best of our knowledge.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of the products or brands that we carry, please reach out to us at info@eastwoodrefillery.com